Sustainable Living Network

Sustainable Living Network

We build networks to strengthen people’s capacity to live sustainably, and to enable like-minded people to support each other in choosing and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle.

  • We support community-based, creative practices rooted in everyday life, such as a network of balcony farmers in urban areas, young people learning local wisdom and reflection on consumerism through DIY, and rural women learning about local food and culture. Networks have been built to enhance mutual support.
  • We facilitate action-oriented, innovative and pioneering learning about sustainable living for local facilitators so that they can learn about a holistic world view, ecological wisdom, and the dynamics of the relationship between individual and societal transformation.
  • We have been developing a discourse on sustainable living, documenting case studies, disseminating experiences and ideas, and publishing books and the periodical Fragrant Soil.
  • To facilitate understanding on the profound meanings of everyday life actions and their links with global macro perspectives, we facilitate regional youth networks such as internship programmes for youth facilitators with different countries.


