Transformative Learning

PCD explores the relationship between personal and social transformation. We believe the force propelling social change resides within us, and that nature is its source. Adopting a holistic approach to transformation, we also consider the impacts of the mainstream development model, such as the over-emphasis on efficiency and outcome, and power relations. We strive to better understand the nature of transformation and the conditions that support change to happen, and we strive to instil new values into individual and communal routines and relationships.

For Transformative Learning work, we primarily partner with local facilitators. Given that every individual has their unique path to transformation, we seek to develop diverse learning systems with facilitators, each tailored to a certain group’s specific needs. Realising that this facilitation experience is also invaluable for promoting other themes, we consciously document these facilitation practices.  Guided by our belief that nature is the source of our inner strength, we explore learning systems with a focus on nature (re)connection, such as the healing power of nature, nature art education, and mindfulness.  Another relationship PCD explores is between personal and organisational change.

