An important orientation of PCD’s programmes is to work for the welfare of human beings, to strive for harmonious coexistence with Nature and to practice sustainable living.
To explore ways to practice sustainable living, a 10-day trip was organized last September for 18 PCD staffs and partners from Hong Kong and mainland China to visit the prefectures of Shiga, Nara and Mie in Kansai, Japan. The objectives of the trip was to enhance PCD staff’s and partners’ knowledge of concepts and practices of sustainable living, to explore ways of community capacity building, and to deepen our knowledge of eco-agriculture so that we would feel love and respect for Nature, as well as act out our feelings in everyday life.
Thanks to our hosts, we have gained a lot from the trip. The excited and intelligent exchanges and constant interactions between Chinese and Japanese participants in the trip have brought us positive energy and the sparks that have been ignited can be observed in discussions among ourselves and in our reflections. In this issue, we invite Mr. Andrew McAulay, chairperson of PCD’s Management Committee and our partners who took part in the trip to share their experience which left them with deep impressions.