Enewsletter Issue No. 5 just released ! Feature Story: Global Educational Movement to Build Ecovillages Around the World

      Since the West underwent the industrial revolution and started to export the development model of industrialisation, urbanisation and modernisation to the whole world, global ecological destruction has become a growing problem. However, the high speed train of industrialisation and urbanisation is still rushing along in different parts of the world. Over the years, environmental conservationists have called attention to all sorts of ecological crises, and some renowned scientists even anticipate that the earth will soon no longer be suitable for human habitation. At the same time, the process has smashed community relationships and traditional cultures. In the face of such a grim scenario, as ordinary people, what can we do to change the situation apart from waiting for the  authorities to change policies?

Since the start of the 21st century, a global educational movement to promote the practice of sustainable living has, with little fanfare, unfolded. A group of forerunners have been practicing what they preach by setting up ecovillages in different parts of the world. They have come together to collate their experience and thereby develop a curriculum for the design of ecovillages (Ecovillage Design Education, EDE) to provide training for individuals and organisations from different countries in the hope that they will return to their countries and workplaces to practice what they have learnt. This issue of our e-newsletter introduces readers to this universal training curriculum and explains how it provides a tool for consciousness-raising and education around the world so that ordinary people may take part in building ecovillages or implementing relevant practices in their own areas. A colleague who once took part in the training shares her thoughts on how her world view and life goals have been changed by the curriculum. Readers will also learn how PCD makes use of the curriculum for the training of community facilitators and that provides the momentum to our practice of sustainable living.

